Snow Predictions For nc 2024-2025

For the North Central states, which include Colorado Iowa Kansas Missouri Minnesota Montana Nebraska North Dakota South Dakota and Wyoming the upcoming 2024-2025 winter season is expected to be characterized by colder-than-usual conditions and average snowfall.

Snow Predictions For nc 2024-2025

The Farmers’ Almanac predicts a gusty Halloween, followed by snow in the Rockies at the start of November. An early November storm is forecasted to bring heavy snow followed by very cold temperatures.

After a rainy and snowy Thanksgiving December is expected to kick off with more storms. Although a “generally fair dry very cold” Christmas is predicted unseasonably cold temperatures are anticipated to arrive in late January.

February is expected to bring a lot of snow with some of it generated by a storm forecasted for Idaho. A mid-February snowstorm could hit the Plains potentially bringing heavy snowfall to Kansas.

Overall this region is expected to feel like a traditional winter with frequent snowfalls and colder temperatures.

Snow predictions for nc by region

  • Mountains (Western NC): The higher elevations could see significant snow accumulation ranging from 6-12 inches throughout the winter. The heaviest snowfall is expected in January and February.
  • Piedmont (Central NC): This region may experience 1-3 inches of snow with the possibility of a wintry mix during colder periods particularly in January.
  • Coastal Areas (Eastern NC): Coastal North Carolina is likely to see little to no snowfall with temperatures remaining milder. Rain and occasional cold fronts may bring brief periods of sleet or freezing rain.

North Carolina Temperature 2024 2025

November: Temperatures will range from 40-50°F with a few cold fronts that might bring cooler weather and possible light snowfall in the mountains.
December: Expect temperatures between 35-45°F. The month will bring increased precipitation, with rain in lower elevations and snow in the mountains.
January: January will see temperatures of 30-40°F with a higher chance of snow, particularly in the western part of the state. Cold snaps may lead to freezing conditions especially during late January.
February: February will continue with 30-40°F temperatures and likely bring a mix of rain and snow particularly in higher elevations. Snowfall will be more prevalent in the mountains with a potential for heavier storms.

Notable Weather Events:

January “Big Freeze”: A significant cold spell is anticipated in January bringing freezing temperatures and potential snowstorms to the region especially in the mountains.

February Storms: February could bring unsettled weather with a mix of rain, sleet, and snow across the state, leading to challenging travel conditions, particularly in higher elevations.

Snow Predictions for North Carolina (NC) 2024-2025

The winter of 2024-2025 in North Carolina is expected to bring varying amounts of snow, especially in the mountainous regions. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the snow predictions by month

RegionNovember 2024December 2024January 2025February 2025Total Snowfall
Mountains (Western NC)1-3 inches3-6 inches6-10 inches6-10 inches16-29 inches
Piedmont (Central NC)0-1 inches1-3 inches2-5 inches1-3 inches4-12 inches
Coastal Areas (Eastern NC)0 inches0-1 inches0-1 inches0-1 inches0-3 inches

North Carolina temperature by month

November 2024:

Mountains: 1-3 inches of snow mostly in higher elevations.
Piedmont: 0-1 inch of snow with possible light snow flurries.
Coastal Areas: Likely no snow but a rare flurry is possible.

December 2024:

Mountains: 3-6 inches of snow with potential for early snowstorms.
Piedmont: 1-3 inches of snow with a mix of snow and rain.
Coastal Areas: 0-1 inch of snow mainly in inland areas.

January 2025:

Mountains: 6-10 inches of snow with heavy snowfall and potential snowstorms.
Piedmont: 2-5 inches of snow with cold snaps bringing more consistent snow.
Coastal Areas: 0-1 inch of snow with possible light snow or sleet during cold fronts.

February 2025:

Mountains: 6-10 inches of snow with continued snowfall and possible snowstorms.
Piedmont: 1-3 inches of snow with a mix of snow and sleet.
Coastal Areas: 0-1 inch of snow with minimal snowfall likely.

North Carolina Temperature by Month in Celsius

For the 2024-2025 winter season in North Carolina temperatures are expected to vary reflecting a generally mild but occasionally cold winter.

November 2024: Temperatures are predicted to be cooler than usual, especially mid-month with a sharp cold front possibly bringing freezing conditions. Expect average highs around 12-18°C and lows around 3-8°C.

December 2024: The month is forecast to be colder, particularly early on, due to a coastal storm. Average highs could range from 10-15°C, with lows dipping to 0-5°C.

January 2025: This month may see very cold temperatures especially towards the end with average highs likely around 8-13°C and lows possibly dropping to -2 to 3°C.

February 2025: February is expected to continue with cold conditions with some days potentially bringing freezing temperatures. Highs may range from 7-12°C, with lows between -3 and 2°C.

Last 20 Year Snowfall for North Carolina

Here is North Carolina Snowfall History: Past 20 Years (2000-2022)

DateSnowfall (inches)


will it snow in nc 2025

The Farmer’s Almanac predicts that And best chances for snow in North Carolina (nc) will be in January and February.

Snow Predictions For nc 2024-2025

An early November storm is forecast to bring heavy snow followed by very cold temperatures
A rainy and snowy Thanksgiving is expected to begin with more storms later in December.
A lot of snow is expected in February

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