Canada winter forecast 2024-2025

Canada winter forecast 2024-2025

Various sources predicts a milder winter for most of Canada in 2024-2025 with some exceptions. Ontario and eastern Manitoba are expected to experience big freezes and heavy snowfall while the rest of the country will likely see milder temperatures and less snow.

Here are some key details from the forecast:

  • Temperatures: Below-normal temperatures are expected for about two-thirds of the nation from east of the Rockies to Ontario. Winter temperatures will be coldest from the Prairies into the Great Lakes region.  
  • Snowfall: Precipitation will be above average throughout Southern Ontario. Snowfall will be above average in the west and below average in the east.  
  • La Niña: This weather pattern is expected to develop and hang on through the season contributing to the below-normal temperatures.

Canada Winter Forecast 2024 2025 (According to the Farmers’ Almanac)

The Farmers’ Almanac predicts that Canada will experience a cold and stormy winter for the 2024-2025 season. Here are the key highlights:

Cold Temperatures: The coldest temperatures are expected in the northern parts of the country especially across the Northern Plains and Prairie Provinces.

Frigid Arctic Air: There will be an intense cold outbreak towards the end of January and the beginning of February with frigid Arctic air leading to a sharp drop in temperatures across much of Canada.

Heavy Snow: Regions close to the Great Lakes and across central Canada could experience heavy snowfalls due to the combination of cold air and storm tracks.

Wet and Stormy Conditions: The eastern part of Canada including Quebec and the Atlantic provinces will likely see stormy conditions with above-normal snowfall rain and sleet. Near-coastal areas will see more rain while inland areas may experience more snow.

Milder Temperatures in the West: The Pacific coastal regions particularly in British Columbia are expected to see milder winter temperatures compared to the central and eastern parts of the country.

However there could still be wet weather and snow in the mountain areas.

Mild Winter in the South: Similar to the U.S. southern regions of Canada may have a milder winter with less precipitation compared to the northern parts.

The overall forecast for Canada includes a mix of cold spells heavy snow and stormy conditions particularly during late January and February.

Canada winter predictions 2024-2025

Here’s a summary of the Canada winter forecast for 2024-2025 from various sources like Farmers’ Almanac Severe Weather Europe etc :

The Old Farmer’s Almanac predicts a calmer less severe winter across much of Canada with near-normal temperatures and precipitation in many areas. However expect cold snaps and snowy periods especially in the western parts of the country.

Farmers’ Almanac foresees a wet and windy winter for most of Canada. The western provinces will likely experience above-average precipitation while the east and southern regions may see more rain than snow​

Severe Weather Europe and Snow Brains both highlight that La Niña will drive above-average snowfall in western Canada particularly in the Pacific Northwest. This trend aligns with typical La Niña winters which bring cold air masses and heavier snow to the west​

POWDER Magazine also emphasizes a snowy season for the mountain regions in western Canada making it ideal for winter sports enthusiasts. These conditions will peak around January

Canada Winter 2024-2025: What to Expect Across the Country

The Farmers’ Almanac predicts a winter of big freezes and heavy snowfall in Ontario and eastern Manitoba while most of the rest of the country will get some relief and reprieve from snow shoveling and super-cold temperatures.  

Breakdown of the forecast by region:

Western Canada winter forecast 2024 2025

Western Canada: Above-average snowfall is expected in the west with the snowiest periods in early November early and late December much of January and February and early March.

Central Canada winter forecast 2024 2025

Central Canada: Ontario and eastern Manitoba will see a winter of big freezes and heavy snowfall. Precipitation will be above average throughout Southern Ontario.

Eastern Canada winter forecast 2024 2025

Eastern Canada: Near to above normal temperatures are expected across Quebec and the Maritimes.

Newfoundland and Labrador should experience a wet winter overall with some snow but with above normal temperatures predicted most of this precipitation should be wet mushy and slushy.

Canada snowfall prediction 2024 2025

Western Canada snowfall prediction 2024 2025

  • Vancouver: Above-average snowfall is expected with occasional heavy snowfalls possible.
  • Calgary: Near-normal snowfall is predicted with some potential for above-average snowfall in certain periods.
  • Edmonton: Above-average snowfall is likely especially in the early part of the winter season.

Central Canada snowfall prediction 2024 2025

  • Winnipeg: Above-average snowfall is forecast with some potential for heavy snowstorms.
  • Toronto: Near-normal snowfall is expected with some areas experiencing above-average snowfall.
  • Ottawa: Above-average snowfall is likely especially in the southern parts of the city.

Eastern Canada snowfall prediction 2024 2025

  • Montreal: Above-average snowfall is predicted with some potential for heavy snowstorms.
  • Quebec City: Above-average snowfall is likely with some areas experiencing near-normal precipitation.
  • Halifax: Near-normal snowfall is expected with some potential for above-average snowfall in certain periods.

Canada’s Winter Snowfall: A 20-Year Overview of Snowy Seasons

Explore Canada’s winter snowfall trends over the past 20 years highlighting key snow events and seasonal averages year by year :

YearNational Avg. Snowfall (cm)Notable Winter Events
2023-2024TBDForecast pending
2022-2023150 cmHeavy snowfalls in Ontario, Quebec, and BC
2021-2022155 cmExtreme cold snaps and snowstorms in the Prairies
2020-2021160 cmSignificant snowfall in eastern provinces
2019-2020145 cmRecord-breaking snowfalls in Newfoundland
2018-2019165 cmCold temperatures and consistent snow in Ontario
2017-2018170 cmHarsh winter with multiple blizzards across the country
2016-2017140 cmHeavy snowfalls in Alberta and BC
2015-2016135 cmEl Niño effect leading to less snow in some regions
2014-2015175 cmExtreme cold and heavy snowstorms, especially in Quebec
2013-2014185 cmPolar vortex brought severe cold and large snowfall
2012-2013160 cmConsistent snow across the Atlantic provinces
2011-2012145 cmMilder winter with average snowfall
2010-2011180 cmHeavy snowfall in southern Ontario and the Prairies
2009-2010130 cmWarmer winter due to El Niño
2008-2009165 cmRecord snowfalls in Vancouver and the Rockies
2007-2008175 cmStrong La Niña brought heavy snow to the West Coast
2006-2007160 cmSevere storms and snowfall in central Canada
2005-2006150 cmHigher than average snowfall in Alberta and Quebec
2004-2005170 cmConsistent snow in Ontario and Quebec


Canadian Rockies snow forecast 2024

The snow forecast for the Canadian Rockies in 2024 is promising with predictions of above-normal snowfall in many areas

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