Colorado winter predictions 2024-2025

Farmers’ Almanac winter 2024 Colorado

According to the Farmers’ Almanac the winter of 2024-2025 in Colorado will be average to slightly above average in temperature with slightly below normal precipitation. However the snowfall is expected to be below normal in the north and above normal in the south. The most snow is predicted to arrive in late December and late February.

Here are some additional details from the Farmers’ Almanac forecast for Colorado:

  • Temperatures: Overall temperatures will be near or slightly above average. There will be some periods of cold weather especially in mid-December early and late January and late February.
  • Precipitation: Precipitation will be slightly below normal overall. However the snowfall will vary by region.
  • Snowfall: The northern part of Colorado can expect below-normal snowfall while the southern part will likely see above-normal snowfall. The most snow is predicted to fall in late December and late February.

Colorado winter predictions 2024-2025

Here’s what several sources are predicting for the Colorado winter of 2024-2025:

The Old Farmer’s Almanac

  • Temperatures: Above normal in the eastern half of the state near normal in the central mountains and below normal in the western mountains.
  • Snowfall: Near to above normal in the eastern half of the state with some of the season’s biggest storms predicted as early as November.
  • Coldest periods: Early to mid-January and early to mid-February.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

  • La Niña conditions: Expected to persist through the winter which typically favors above-average snowfall in the northern tier and Pacific Northwest.
  • Overall: Difficult to predict but La Niña could lead to increased snowfall in some parts of Colorado.

Chris Tomer:

  • Predicts a higher likelihood of NW Flow setups across the Wasatch Tetons and Northwest Colorado which could favor above-normal snowfall in those areas.
  • Highlights the potential for above-normal precipitation at Tahoe and Shasta in November.

Other sources

POWDER Magazine: Predicting a “La Niña lite” winter with above-normal snowfall in the northern tier and Pacific Northwest. Forecasting a higher likelihood of northwest flow setups across the Wasatch Tetons and Northwest Colorado.

Forecasts a slight chance for below-normal precipitation and near-normal temperatures in Colorado’s High Country for the months of December January and February.

Colorado winter forecast 2025 by region

For Colorado’s winter 2024-2025 predictions vary by region with significant differences in temperature and snowfall expectations across the state.

Denver and the Front Range (Boulder, Fort Collins, Colorado Springs)

Temperatures: Expect warmer-than-usual temperatures especially in the northern parts of the Front Range (e.g., Fort Collins Boulder). However southern areas like Colorado Springs might experience colder conditions.
Snowfall: Snowfall is predicted to be near or slightly above normal with the heaviest snow expected in mid-November mid-to-late January and late February. Denver usually experiences its snowiest month in March​

Western Colorado (Aspen, Vail, Telluride, Grand Junction)

Temperatures: A “cold and snowy” winter is forecasted for these areas which is ideal for ski towns like Aspen Vail and Telluride. Milder periods will be punctuated by colder storm systems.

Snowfall: Significant snowfall is expected throughout the season with plenty of opportunities for skiing and winter sports​

Southern Colorado (Pueblo, Durango, Alamosa)

Temperatures: Colder-than-average temperatures are expected particularly in Durango and Alamosa during early to mid-January and February.

Snowfall: Above-average snowfall is forecasted for this region particularly in higher elevations. Durango and the San Juan Mountains could see frequent snowstorms

Eastern Plains (Sterling, Lamar)

Temperatures: Warmer-than-average temperatures are expected in the northern parts such as Sterling while colder conditions may prevail in the south like around Lamar​

Overall expect a mix of snowy conditions in the mountainous regions and variable weather patterns in the plains and urban centers across Colorado.

When’s first snowfall?

The Old Farmer’s Almanac hasn’t provided a specific date for the first snowfall in Colorado for winter 2024-2025. However based on the forecast the snowiest periods are expected to start in mid-November. This suggests that the first significant snowfall in Colorado particularly in Denver could happen around that time though early snowfalls in late October are also possible based on historical patterns.

Colorado snow predictions 2024-2025

Here is a monthly breakdown of Colorado’s snow predictions for the 2024-2025 season, including estimated snowfall amounts


Snowfall: 4-8 inches
Conditions: Typically a mix of rain and snow with some early-season powder days possible in the higher elevations.


Snowfall: 10-15 inches
Conditions: This month usually brings heavier snowfall especially in the central and southern mountains. Look for prime powder conditions and extended ski days.


Snowfall: 12-18 inches
Conditions: January is often the snowiest month in Colorado with consistent snowfall and plenty of opportunities for deep powder.


Snowfall: 10-15 inches
Conditions: While snowfall may start to taper off in February there are still chances for significant storms especially in the northern mountains.


Snowfall: 6-10 inches
Conditions: Spring skiing arrives in March with warmer temperatures and shorter days. However there can still be some great powder days especially at higher elevations.


Snowfall: 2-4 inches
Conditions: Snowfall becomes less frequent in April but the higher elevations may still receive some late-season snow. This is a great time for spring skiing and snowboarding.

Last 10 year Colorado snow history

Here is a table showing the annual snowfall totals for Denver Colorado from the 2013-2014 season to the 2022-2023 season:

SeasonTotal Snowfall (inches)

Colorado Winter Predictions 2024-2025: A Closer Look

The Old Farmer’s Almanac has predicted a “calmer gentler” winter with both temperatures and snowfall near or below average throughout most of the United States. However Colorado is expected to have a cold snowy winter.

what is the lowest temperature ever recorded in Colorado

The lowest temperature ever recorded in Colorado was -61°F (-51°C) which occurred in Maybell on February 1, 1985

what is the highest temperature ever recorded in Colorado

The highest temperature ever recorded in Colorado was 115°F (46.1°C)

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