Farmers almanac Winter Weather Forecast 2024 2025

Farmers almanac Winter Weather Forecast 2024 2025

The Farmers’ Almanac predicts a wetter and milder winter for the U.S. during the 2024-2025 season. In the Northeast, including New York City and Boston expect above-normal precipitation with storms starting early in December.

Midwest Winter Forecast 2024-25

In the Midwest cities like Chicago Detroit and Milwaukee will see a wet start with a mix of rain and snow in November. A significant cold spell referred to as “The Big Freeze” is expected in January Month bringing very cold temperatures. Snowstorms are likely to occur in March.

Pacific Northwest Winter Forecast 2024-25

For the Pacific Northwest, including Seattle Portland and Boise rain and wet snow will be prevalent throughout the season. February may bring heavy snow especially in eastern Idaho leading to challenging conditions.

North Central States Winter Forecast 2024-25

The North Central states including cities like Denver Minneapolis Kansas City will experience early snowfall in November followed by a very cold December.

Multiple snowstorms are anticipated in February making it a harsh winter for these regions.

Southeast Winter Forecast 2024-25

In the Southeast including cities like Atlanta Miami Nashville the winter will generally be mild but cold fronts in November and January could bring sharp temperature drops.

The region can expect a wet and cold Christmas with occasional storms continuing into February.

Southeast Central states Winter Forecast 2024-25

South Central states like Dallas, Oklahoma City Little Rock will have a milder winter overall with rain and wet snow in December. February could bring unsettled weather with the possibility of snow in Texas.

Southwest Winter Forecast 2024-25

In the Southwest, including Los Angeles Phoenix Las Vegas, the winter will have average temperatures. A dry Thanksgiving is expected, followed by rain and snow showers around Christmas. January might bring heavy mountain snow impacting travel & local conditions.

Farmers almanac Winter Weather Forecast 2024 2025
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Snow Predictions For New York City 2024 2025

New York City will experience temperatures ranging from 40-50°F in November with 1-3 inches of snow as wet snow begins. December will see temperatures between 35-45°F and snowfall of 2-6 inches including coastal storms and early snow.

In January, temperatures drop to 30-40°F with 4-8 inches of snow due to active storm periods and heavy snow. February will continue with temperatures of 30-40°F and 2-6 inches of snow as snowstorms persist.

Snow Predictions For Boston 2024 2025

Boston will have temperatures of 35-45°F in November and 2-4 inches of snow, with early snow showers. December brings colder temperatures of 30-40°F and 4-8 inches of snow along with coastal storms.

January’s temperatures drop to 25-35°F, bringing 6-12 inches of heavy snowstorms. February will continue with 25-35°F temperatures and 2-6 inches of snow extending snow into March.

Snow Predictions For Chicago 2024 2025

Chicago will see temperatures of 30-40°F in November with 2-5 inches of rain and wet snow. December temperatures drop to 20-30°F with 4-8 inches of early snow and cold temperatures.

In January expect temperatures between 15-25°F and 6-12 inches of snow due to big freezes and heavy snow. February will continue with temperatures of 15-25°F and 4-8 inches of snow.

Snow Predictions For Detroit 2024 2025

Detroit will experience temperatures of 30-40°F in November with 2-5 inches of rain and snow. December will be colder with 20-30°F and 4-8 inches of snow, accompanied by cold temperatures.

January’s temperatures will drop to 15-25°F with 6-12 inches of snow and big freezes. February will maintain temperatures of 15-25°F and 4-8 inches of snow.

Snow Predictions For Milwaukee 2024 2025

Milwaukee will have temperatures of 30-40°F in November with 2-5 inches of rain and snow. December brings colder temperatures of 20-30°F and 4-8 inches of early snow. January will see temperatures between 15-25°F with 6-12 inches of snow and big freezes.

February will continue with temperatures of 15-25°F and 4-8 inches of snow.

Snow Predictions For Seattle 2024 2025

Seattle will experience temperatures of 40-50°F in November with 2-4 inches of wet snow starting. December temperatures will be 35-45°F with 2-5 inches of snow and stormy weather.

In January, temperatures will range from 35-45°F with 2-6 inches of snow generally fair. February will bring 35-45°F temperatures with 5-10 inches of heavy snow in the mountains.

Snow Predictions For Portland 2024 2025

Portland will see temperatures of 40-50°F in November with 2-4 inches of wet snow. December brings temperatures of 35-45°F and 2-5 inches of snow with stormy weather.

In January temperatures will range from 35-45°F with 2-6 inches of snow and February will continue with 35-45°F temperatures and 5-10 inches of heavy snow in the mountains.

Snow Predictions For Boise 2024 2025

Boise will have temperatures of 30-40°F in November with 2-5 inches of snow starting. December’s temperatures drop to 25-35°F with 4-8 inches of snow.

In January expect temperatures of 20-30°F with 8-12 inches of heavy snow. February will continue with 25-35°F temperatures and 8-12 inches of snow.

Snow Predictions For Denver 2024 2025

Denver will experience temperatures of 25-35°F in November with 3-6 inches of snow. December temperatures will drop to 15-25°F with 5-10 inches of early heavy snow.

In January temperatures will range from 10-20°F with 8-15 inches of snow and cold temperatures. February will continue with temperatures of 10-20°F and 8-15 inches of snow.

Snow Predictions For Minneapolis 2024 2025

Minneapolis will see temperatures of 20-30°F in November with 2-5 inches of snow. December’s temperatures drop to 10-20°F with 6-12 inches of heavy snow.

In January expect temperatures of 10-20°F with 8-15 inches of snow and big freezes. February will continue with 10-20°F temperatures and 8-15 inches of heavy snow.

Snow Predictions For Atlanta 2024 2025

Atlanta will experience temperatures of 50-60°F in November with 0-1 inch of snow due to cold fronts and thunderstorms. December brings 45-55°F temperatures with 0-1 inch of snow and wet conditions.

In January, temperatures will be 35-45°F with 0-2 inches of snow due to cold fronts. February will continue with temperatures of 35-45°F and 0-2 inches of sleet and wet snow.

Snow Predictions For Miami 2024 2025

Miami will have temperatures of 60-70°F in November December January and February with no snow. Rare cold fronts may occur but are infrequent.

Snow Predictions For Nashville 2024 2025

Nashville will see temperatures of 40-50°F in November with 0-1 inch of snow and cold fronts. December will bring 35-45°F temperatures and 0-1 inch of wet snow.

In January temperatures will range from 35-45°F with 0-2 inches of snow. February will continue with 35-45°F temperatures and 0-2 inches of sleet and wet snow.

Snow Predictions For Dallas 2024 2025

Dallas will experience temperatures of 50-60°F in November with 0-1 inch of snow and rain. December’s temperatures will be 45-55°F with 1-3 inches of snow, generally fair.

In January temperatures will be 40-50°F with 2-6 inches of snow possible in February. February will continue with 40-50°F temperatures and 2-6 inches of snow.

Snow Predictions For Oklahoma City 2024 2025

Oklahoma City will see temperatures of 50-60°F in November with 0-1 inch of snow and rain. December brings 45-55°F temperatures with 1-3 inches of snow.

In January temperatures will be 35-45°F with 2-6 inches of snow. February will continue with 35-45°F temperatures and 2-6 inches of snow.

Snow Predictions For Los Angeles 2024 2025

Los Angeles will experience temperatures of 55-65°F in November with no snow (6-12 inches in mountains). December brings 50-60°F temperatures with occasional rain and mountain snow.

January will have temperatures of 45-55°F with mountain snow, and February will continue with 45-55°F temperatures and mountain snow.

Snow Predictions For Phoenix 2024 2025

Phoenix will see temperatures of 55-65°F in November with no snow (6-12 inches in mountains). December’s temperatures will be 50-60°F with occasional rain and mountain snow.

In January temperatures will be 45-55°F with mountain snow. February will continue with 45-55°F temperatures and mountain snow.

Snow Predictions For Las Vegas 2024 2025

Las Vegas will experience temperatures of 50-60°F in November with no snow (6-12 inches in mountains). December brings 45-55°F temperatures with occasional rain and mountain snow.

In January temperatures will be 40-50°F with mountain snow. February will continue with 40-50°F temperatures and mountain snow.

2024-2025 Winter Weather Predictions: Snowfall and Temperature Across U.S. Cities

2024-2025 Winter Weather Forecast for Major U.S. Cities: Temperature Snowfall and Notable Events :

City NameTemperature (°F)Snow (inches)Notable Weather Events
New York City30-40°F6-12 inchesStorms in December; snow in January
Boston25-35°F8-15 inchesCoastal storm in December
Chicago20-30°F10-18 inchesBig Freeze in January
Detroit20-30°F10-18 inchesCold January; snow in March
Milwaukee20-30°F10-18 inchesCold January; snow in February
Seattle35-45°F5-10 inchesHeavy snow in February
Portland35-45°F5-10 inchesStorms in December; snow in February
Boise25-35°F12+ inchesHeavy snow in February
Denver15-25°F10-20 inchesSnow in November and February
Minneapolis10-20°F12-20 inchesCold December; snow in February
Atlanta35-45°F0-2 inchesCold front in November; wet Christmas
Miami50-60°F0 inchesRare cold fronts
Nashville35-45°F0-2 inchesCold front in November; wet Christmas
Dallas40-50°F2-6 inchesSnow possible in February
Oklahoma City35-45°F2-6 inchesSnow possible in February
Los Angeles50-60°F0 inches (6-12 in mountains)Dry Thanksgiving; mountain snow
Phoenix50-60°F0 inches (6-12 in mountains)Dry Thanksgiving; mountain snow
Las Vegas45-55°F0 inches (6-12 in mountains)Dry Thanksgiving; mountain snow


What is the winter of 2025 going to be like?

The winter of 2025 is expected to be wetter than usual, with milder temperatures in most areas, but colder conditions in the central US and around the Great Lakes

Farmers’ almanac winter 2025

The Farmers’ Almanac has predicted a “wet whirlwind” winter for 2024/2025. This means you can expect plenty of precipitation and storms across the country

Winter Predictions For Ohio 2024 2025

Ohio is anticipated to experience a cold and snowy winter with below-normal temperatures and above-normal precipitation. Expect frequent snowstorms throughout the season, with the heaviest snowfall likely in January and February.
The Farmers’ Almanac also predicts a “Big Freeze” for the region in January.

Winter Predictions For Virginia 2024 2025

Virginia is predicted to have a cold and damp winter with below-normal temperatures and above-normal precipitation. The state will likely experience a mix of snow sleet and rain throughout the season.

Winter Predictions For Georgia 2024 2025

Georgia is expected to have a mild and wet winter with near-normal temperatures and above-normal precipitation. While there’s a chance of some wintery mix, especially in the northern parts of the state, the overall trend is for milder conditions compared to the northern U.S.
However, the Farmers’ Almanac warns of potential cold snaps and even freezing temperatures in late January

Winter Predictions For California 2024 2025

California is expected to have a cooler and wetter winter than normal, with above-normal mountain snow. The coldest periods will occur in early and late November early and late December and late January

Winter Predictions For nc 2024 2025

North Carolina is expected to have a wetter than normal winter with near to above-normal temperatures. The state will likely experience increased precipitation including rain sleet and snow in the higher elevations.

Winter Predictions For Tennessee 2024 2025

Tennessee is expected to have a transitional winter. The state will likely experience a mix of cold spells and mild periods. Overall temperatures will be near-normal with above-normal precipitation expected.

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